client: Claro character design / concept art / commercial
A pedido da Surreal Hotel Arts, criamos uma personagem de videogame no estilo Fortnite.
Nossa personagem é uma guerreira cyber fofa que veste um capacete de coelhinha. Ela participa do comercial junto
de diversos outros personagens em CGI e reais, que foram criados por outros artistas também envolvidos no projeto.
Nossa personagem é uma guerreira cyber fofa que veste um capacete de coelhinha. Ela participa do comercial junto
de diversos outros personagens em CGI e reais, que foram criados por outros artistas também envolvidos no projeto.
A modelagem em 3D da personagem foi criada pela equipe da Surreal.
We created a Fortnite-style video game character for Surreal Hotel Arts Studio.
Our character is a cute cyber warrior who wears a bunny helmet. She participates in the commercial along with
several other CGI and real characters, which were created by other artists also involved in the project.
The character's 3D modeling was created by the Surreal team.
Our character is a cute cyber warrior who wears a bunny helmet. She participates in the commercial along with
several other CGI and real characters, which were created by other artists also involved in the project.
The character's 3D modeling was created by the Surreal team.

O filme e modelo 3D foram criados pela Surreal Hotel Arts, com direção de Carlão Busato.
Veja o comercial completo abaixo.
The film and 3D model were created by Surreal Hotel Arts, directed by Carlão Busato.
See the full commercial below.
Veja o comercial completo abaixo.
The film and 3D model were created by Surreal Hotel Arts, directed by Carlão Busato.
See the full commercial below.